Harringay hugely misses Andy Newman
Andy Newman, local community activist, driving force behind The Gardens' Community Garden, vice chair of The Gardens' Residents' Association (GRA) sadly passed away suddenly on 24/10/21. His family and the local community in Harringay hugely miss Andy. He was much loved and touched so many people’s lives in so many positive ways. Andy was not only involved in life in the Gardens but also in the wider Haringey area – Friends of Chestnuts, Parks Forum, supporting and advising local residents' groups and working together with traders and Ladder Community Safety Partnership (LCSP) on matters of concern for all those groups.
“He was much loved and touched so many people’s lives in so many positive ways.”
Andy Newman
Green Lanes Strategy Group
Following violent incidents on Green Lanes in the early 2000’s local community groups led by Nilgun Canver Executive Member for Crime and Community Safety met together to discuss what had happened and how to improve matters for all. This was a partnership between the council, police, traders, residents' associations and ward councillors and became The Green Lanes Strategy Group.
Through countless meetings they worked and achieved safer streets, which were cleaner, better managed and resulted in street trees being planted, more litter bins and hanging baskets to brighten the area. Andy was the representative for The GRA alongside Sue Green and worked diligently towards the aims of the group. The group continued with their work towards securing funding to regenerate Green Lanes to make it the vibrant area to live in, visit and shop today
Andy Newman and Nilgun Canver (c2012)
You both will be missed
Andy and Nilgun Canver were among the hardest working people for the Harringay. Their contributions to the area will never be forgotten. They were both members of Green Lanes strategy group which transformed the Harringay where became the most attractive areas in London. Andy and Gardens Resident Association unveiled a plaque in remembrance of Nilgun who also died in 2017. Sadly Nilgun was just 59 like Andy who dies at only 56.
(left to right) Andy Newman, Rob Tao, Nilgun Canver, Geoff Ambilino, Liz Ixer, Shef Mehmet, Ian Sygrave, David Schmidt, Dave Smith, Cllr Zena Brabazon, Nora Mulready, Marcia Connell.
Green Lanes Food Festival 2009 and 2011
Through Andy’s garnered experience he was at the forefront of plans for the Green Lanes Food Festivals. The Festivals were a great success attended by over 20,000 people enjoying the sights and smells of food stalls, performances, dance, singing, street entertainers and children’s activities. Andy was responsible for decorating Green Lanes with colourful banners, organising street performances and running workshops for children. The festivals fostered community spirit and brought all elements of the diverse community together as one.
Lantern Parades
Leading on from the success of the festivals the group went on to organise Lanterns parades involving local schools and Railway Fields with lantern making workshops culminating in the annual switch on of the Green Lanes Christmas lights and Christmas Tree. Andy was again pivotal in the organisation of these events, which were well attended and much loved by all
Recent projects
Following the death of Councillor Canver in 2017 the group of traders and residents came together at Christmas to unveil a plaque in her memory. The GRA continues to work with the traders on local initiatives and wants to keep the legacy that Andy built alive for future generations to continue to improve the environment of Green Lanes together.