The High Street is the heart of the community.
It’s the everyday fabric of life,
and the rhythm of urban living.
Green Lanes, Harringay 100 years ago
Excerpt from the book by local historian John Hinshelwood
The development of Green Lanes
Excerpts from John Hinshelwood’s book How Harringay Happened
Green Lanes Today (2009)
from the book Harringay: A century of change by John Hinshelwood and Stephen Rigg
Harringay Gardens Estate
from the book Harringay: A century of change by John Hinshelwood and Stephen Rigg
Harringay Grove
from the book Harringay: A century of change by John Hinshelwood and Stephen Rigg
Harringay New Park
from the book Harringay: A century of change by John Hinshelwood and Stephen Rigg
Cinemas of Harringay
from the book Harringay: A century of change by John Hinshelwood and Stephen Rigg
Salisbury Promenade
from the book Harringay: A century of change by John Hinshelwood and Stephen Rigg
Railway Fields
from the book Harringay: A century of change by John Hinshelwood and Stephen Rigg
The Harringay Passage
from the book Harringay: A century of change by John Hinshelwood and Stephen Rigg
Houses on the Ladder
From the book Harringay: A century of change by John Hinshelwood and Stephen Rigg
The Name of Harringay
Excerpt from the book Harringay: A century of change by John Hinshelwood and Stephen Rigg
St Ann’s Road
from the book Harringay: A century of change by John Hinshelwood and Stephen Rigg